What is the right stove for heating a 12' x12' tent?
I am looking at buying an Arctic Oven Artika tent, which is about 12' x 12' in size and I want to make sure that the Ultralight II is the optimum stove for winter camping in a 12' x 12" tent. Would the Ultralight III be to hot for that size of a tent? Does the Ultralight III hold more wood, which would mean filling it less throughout the night?
I will be doing most of my camping in the lower 48.
Open Feb 27, 2014 - 10:18 AM
Feb 27, 2014 - 10:27 AM
The Ultralight I would work fine for you. The most you would have to stock it is once a night. I have an owner of a Ultralight I who has used it out of Barrow AK for 4-6 weeks a year at temps to -55 heating a 6 sided Arctic Oven just using 3/4 1" willow to heat with and was able to get 3-4 hours of heating time at -40. He has used the stove now for 15 years and it has not burned out yet and it is still working well for him.
If most of your camping will be done in the lower 48 go with the Ultralight I, if you are going to the far North such as Canada / Alaska go with the Ultralight II
Source: D. Kevilus
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